Connecting to the Server

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To start using the command-line, you should either need to get access to the ABI server or install a virtual box. Follow the instructions below to complete this procedure.

Accessing the ABI server

We have prepared a server for you, with all the software tools and practice/exam files in one place. The access to the server is through monthly subscription. In order to get access credentials to the ABI server, follow the instructions on our website. If you already have a subscription and it is not yet expired, you should have gotten the instructions and the credentials.

Using a virtual box

Alternatively, you can install a virtual box and use it indefinitely. In this case, however, you will not have access to the exam files. In order to install the virtual box, follow the instructions below.

Enroll in the following course

The installation instructions are found in the Coursera course Command Line Tools for Genomic Data Science offered by Johns Hopkins University.

To get access to the instructions and the necessary files, you have to enroll in the course using the following instructions.

  1. Navigate to the course home page

  2. Click on the Enroll button

  3. If you plan to study data science beyond the scope of this guide, then feel free to proceed with the free trial initialization process and enter your financial credentials. If not, choose the "Audit course" option. Keep in mind, though, that we are going to refer to this course a lot later in the guide while exploring NGS.

Connecting to the server

Use the instruction in this link to connect to the OMICSS server. Note that the instructions are given for UNIX (Mac) and Windows users.

Your server IP address is:

Your private key was sent by e-mail.

Your username is the name of your private key file, without file extension (e.g. lilit.rsa file, the username lilit).

Configure VMBox (optional)

If you want to have a local terminal in your non-UNIX PC (e.g. Windows), to use after school, you can configure the Virtual Box with UNIX operating system.

Now, follow this link and complete the installation instructions for your machine. Return here once finished.


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Last updated